
Looking for blunt life

Discover a personal blog that teaches a little history with a little touch of mental health

With all of the different outlets, its difficult to find one that appeals to exactly what you are looking for. So many blogs are full of click bait and unsourced information.

What are you talking about, exactly?

While mostly inteded to be a historical blog, I couldn’t resist the urge to toss in a little mental health posts here and there. Having struggled with depression, anxiety, insomnia, and the like, I feel it is beneficial for others to see that they don’t have to suffer in silence. If its helped me, my hope is that it can help at least one other person.

Moreover, I will provide credible resources and source my information whenever possible. If you’d like to be kept up to date on what’s new, please join the mailing list for sneak peaks, deals, and information to help on whatever journey your on.

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