
  • The battle of Belleau Wood is a tale of myths and legends that holds a strong place in Marine Corps mythology and lore. Marines formed an identity around the ferocity with which their forefathers fought. Though the Marines had been present in history for some time, this was the first time since it was established,…

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  • Hello world!

    Welcome to my major career and life change! I’ve been working in a very labor based, physically, mentally challenging career for the last 20 years and I’ve finally decided to follow the dreams of a young seventh grader who put it writing, that she would one day be a published author. My blog is going…

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  • Lose Your Expectations

    In this post, I’ll talk about expectations and how much they can set us back. When we make unrealistic expectations or have distorted expectations, they can crush whatever it was you were looking to achieve.

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