Welcome to my major career and life change! I’ve been working in a very labor based, physically, mentally challenging career for the last 20 years and I’ve finally decided to follow the dreams of a young seventh grader who put it writing, that she would one day be a published author. My blog is going to be one of the steps up this mountain.
I love history so this was originally intended to be a history blog. I was going to explore new corners of history and expand on some that may have been forgotten. I’ve also found a few commonly accepted stories that actually more fact than fiction. I want to share those with the world too.
I cannot ignore the difference between the person I am now, and the person I had been for years. I spent so many years buried under crippling depression and anxiety that I don’t remember most of them. As I survived as a full time single mom, working full time, getting my bachelors and eventually masters, and trying to make ends meet, I disassociated and went on autopilot most of the time. I am not a professional but I can’t help but wonder if something I experienced or have to say could benefit someone. If anything, maybe someone can relate and not feel so alone.